Atomic Force Microscope
Instrument model:Dimension Icon
Technical Specifications:
Measuring range:10 ~ 90μm
Main Function and Application:
The latest Demision Icon is an innovation of tip scanning technology. It is equipped with temperature compensated position sensor to realize low noise level of Z-axis sub-ae and XY-axis ae. It is applied to large sample stage system with 90 micron scanning range, and its effect is even better than that of open-loop noise level of high resolution small sample stage AFM. The newly designed XYZ closed-loop scanning head will not damage the image quality even at a high scanning speed, thus achieving a larger output of data acquisition. Be better thanthetapping mode, The PeakForce Tapping technology, which is unique to Bruker Atomic Force Microscope, can help researchers achieve mechanical, electrical and chemical properties. The ease of use of these new technologies and models allows beginners to achieve high resolution applications on a variety of samples, including real atomic images in some key areas.